Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Cheviot students visit the Senior HQ!

Today in the HQ we welcomed Miss Dodge and her class of Year 7 and 8 students from Cheviot.  They came to visit Avonhead School to experience a day in the life of the Senior HQ!  So after our students returned from technology we welcomed them with a hui.  We had a home room session and each class had some Cheviot students in with us to take part in technology challenges, science experiments and student demonstrations.  During lunch time, our Senior HQ students started up some games to challenge the Cheviot crew.  Cricket and touch were the top two.  Our visitors also enjoyed some time on the senior playground and hanging with our students on the field.  After lunch we did our usual silent reading and Te Reo sessions, which our new friends joined in with.  To wrap up the day, we had an almighty game of capture the flag.  We had a blast and have made some new friends along the way.  Who knows....maybe next year our new crew of  Year 7/8 students might be able to go and visit Miss Dodge and the students in Cheviot for a day in the country!  Thanks for the great day Cheviot!

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