The teachers are in the process of planning some exciting events for the reminder of the term. These include sailing at Lake Rua (the letter for this has come home already - please return it as soon as possible), the Tough Kids competition out at the South Brighton Domain on November 30th and our end of term trip to the Halswell Domain and Pool on December 13th (letters about both of these will come home next week).
Mrs G and myself had the pleasure of accompanying the choir to the Horncastle Arena this morning for their rehearsal - I can't wait to be a 'helper' tonight! For those of you going, you're in for a real treat.
Reminders for next week:
- The Otago Problem Solving Final challenge for invited students will now be next Wednesday. Friday afternoon was never ideal, but I think we can sit it comfortably next Wednesday.
- On Monday, we have the Science Roadshow being held in our school hall. Some of our students will be 'roadies' and help set up the exhibits, while others have been chosen to be exhibitors - they will help explain and demonstrate the science experiments.
- Year 8 students - please send (or bring) in your 5 year old photos for our end of year celebration - Mr Rodger has emailed your parents about this. Also if you have any photos from your time at Avonhead, please get these in as well.
- 12 year olds - you will have your high jump on Monday - please bring appropriate clothing and shoes.
And finally, with sadness, I need to tell you that I will be leaving Avonhead School at the end of the year. I have a position at Prebbleton School, where my children go. I am really excited about the job at Prebbleton, but I will desperately miss the students at Avonhead School.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Darelle / Mrs B
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