Sunday, 15 May 2016

Week 3 Details

I hope you all had a great weekend - this Canterbury autumn weather is just so lovely!  Here are the notices and reminders for this week in the Senior HQ:

1)  Winter Sport kicks off this Friday so please come organised with your sports clothes, equipment and a big lunch!
2)  Chorale is Monday as usual.
3)  Mr Rodger is on a course on Friday so Mrs Moore is in Home Room 1 for him.
4)  ICAS digi tech is this Tuesday at 11.15am for those of you sitting this test.
5)  Homework - reading and spelling each night along with any other work your teachers have set you.  Check out the cross country video too once it's uploaded!
6)  Inquiry workshops on our theme of "What Comes Next?" commence on Wednesday this week.  Workshops and teachers are as follows: 'Campaign Earth' with Mr Rodger, 'Inventions' with Mrs G, 'Careers and Money' with Mrs Busfield and 'How Stuff Works' with Mrs Moore.  Almost all of you got your first choice from your survey picks so that worked out really well!
7)  Pink Ribbon Breakfast people - meeting at the start of lunch today in the Quiet Space - bring your lunch
8)  Competitive chess is on today - there is a tournament coming up and we need to decide teams, so you must come if you would like to be considered!

CONGRATULATIONS to our basketball team who won the tournament on Friday and have qualified for the Canterbury's.  Here's a wee snippet from an email from Mr Malins - we are so proud of you boys ...
"...I really was impressed with their attitude, and really thought that they are fantastic Role Models (it's a shame other couldn't see them!).  
As not only did they have fun, but played fair and even after running up 34 - 0 against a couple of teams were great winners.
In case you haven't heard they won the zone competition (was a tough game against Russley 10-8), so have qualified for Canterbury's..."

Finally, we got some great snaps during the Thursday visit by the Penrith Panthers.  Several HQ students went up the front taking part in competitions and question time and our Senior League team got a group shot too!  Here are a few snaps:

Have a great week everyone!

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