On Friday the Student Council organised a Daffodil Day mufti day to raise money for the Cancer Society. Students came to school dressed in mufti and some wore yellow. There was a colouring competition for the younger students and prizes awarded. Thank you to the Student Council and Mrs G for organising this event and helping to raise money for the Cancer Society.
Next week we have our annual Ski Trip on Monday. Thanks to Mrs Moore for organising this well anticipated day! A final notice was sent home yesterday and can also be found on the blog in the previous post. Please ensure you bring everything on the list. See you at school at 7:15am Monday morning.
Tickets will go on sale this week. More details about how to purchase these will follow shortly.
Ted has made a video but it is too big to be uploaded here. Hopefully it will be on the school website early next week.
Key dates:
Wednesday 26 September 7:30pm
Thursday 27 September 7:30pm
Students in the cast will be expected at school from 5:30pm, depending on their character
Help needed:
I will send out an email this weekend of extra things we need, as well as asking for some help with costumes. We have most of the costumes from Impact Dance and Stage School, but still need to create a few costumes for our leads. Any help will be much appreciated.
All the best to our Kapa Haka and Pacifica groups who will be performing at the Cultural Festival on Tuesday. You have been working really hard to perfect your items and we hope you enjoy the experience of performing on the BIG stage.